Drupalize.Me: Part 4: Utility Components in Drupal (Spotlight on Symfony in Drupal)

Part 4: Utility Components in Drupal (Spotlight on Symfony in Drupal)

We've made it to the final blog post (for now?) in our spotlight on Symfony in Drupal. In this blog post, we'll take a look at Symfony's utility components. We're using this term to group together Symfony components that provide useful functionality. It's a great idea to familiarize yourself with these. You can make use of them in your own modules, or bring them into other PHP application code.

Blake Hall Wed, 01/31/2024 - 18:03

Tag1 Consulting: Moving from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10: Managing Complex File and Media Migrations

In our latest Tag1 Team Talk, our Drupal migration experts delve into the intricacies of migrating media and files in the context of moving from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10. With Drupal 7 nearing its end of life and Drupal 10 in General Availability, this discussion is more relevant than ever! Hosted by Janez Urevc, Strategic Growth and Innovation Manager at Tag1, and featuring key Drupal contributors Lucas Hedding and Mauricio Dinarte, this talk offers an in-depth look into the world of Drupal migrations. The episode covers various critical aspects, including the evolution of the media landscape from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10, the challenges in migrating locally stored versus remote media, and handling inline embedded media. Additionally, our guests provide practical advice on leveraging Rsync for efficient file transfers, managing large file libraries, and dealing with unique challenges such as remote media migrations and cloud storage solutions like S3. Gain valuable insights from anecdotes shared by the experts, highlighting real-world scenarios and problem-solving techniques used in their migration projects. This episode is a must-watch for anyone involved in Drupal migrations, offering expert guidance to navigate this complex but essential process. Watch now to enhance your understanding of Drupal migrations...

Read more janez Wed, 01/31/2024 - 06:00

Drupal Association blog: Why DrupalCon Portland 2024 is a Must-Attend Event

DrupalCon is the most significant open-source tech event in North America. Mark your calendars, as DrupalCon Portland is returning to the City of Roses this 6-9 May 2024! Whether you're a seasoned Drupal pro or just starting your open-source journey, DrupalCon Portland 2024 has something for everyone.

You might wonder why you should attend DrupalCon. Read on to learn why DrupalCon Portland 2024 is a must-attend event!

Elevate Your Skills

Power up your expertise! DrupalCon Portland will gather the brightest minds in the Drupal ecosystem. Attend mind-bending sessions, interactive workshops, and cutting-edge keynotes to amplify your skills. Elevate your Drupal game and bring a competitive edge to your projects. You’ll also have access to job fairs and opportunities to develop your resume. Students and recent alums of universities, colleges, high schools, trade schools, and Drupal training programs can take advantage of $50 student-priced tickets!

Forge Powerful Connections

Connect and conquer! DrupalCon isn’t just about code; it's about connections. Network with industry leaders, fellow developers, and creative minds. Forge partnerships, exchange ideas, and immerse yourself in a community that fuels success. Your next extensive collaboration might just be a handshake away.

Ride the Wave of Drupal Trends and AI

Stay ahead of the curve! DrupalCon is your gateway to the latest trends in Drupal. From groundbreaking features to emerging technologies, ride the wave of innovation. Gain insights into the future of Drupal and position yourself as a pioneer in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Unleash the Drupal Spirit

It is more than an event – it's a celebration! DrupalCon is where the Drupal spirit comes to life. Engage in fun activities, socialize with like-minded individuals for robust conversations, and celebrate the strength of our community. Let's make memories together at DrupalCon Portland 2024!

Vibrant social after-hour events

Unwind and celebrate with the community at after-hours gatherings and explore the charming city of Portland. This year’s event will have a revamped Welcome Reception party with interactive elements and an exciting Trivia night on Thursday! There are also sponsored events from our partners for attendees to enjoy.

For more details on DrupalCon Portland 2024, register for the event on 6 February! We can’t wait to see you in the City of Roses.

The Drop Times: Behind the Scenes: Drupal's Footprint in Top Universities

A walkthrough of the behind-the-scenes tasks executed (with code examples and the tools we used in this exercise) to generate the preliminary dataset for analyzing Drupal usage among the top 300 universities. This blog covers everything from selecting the university ranking to generating a CSV file with the universities and their Drupal usage.

MidCamp - Midwest Drupal Camp: It’s time to get your ticket!

It’s time to get your ticket!

Big news! Ticket sales for MidCamp 2024 are on sale and ready for you to buy!

Early bird sales are on until Feb 12, with tickets just $50.  Your ticket includes:

  • 24 high-quality sessions over two days,

  • coffee, lunch, (and maybe even snacks),

  • conversations with 100+ awesome Drupal folks, and,

  • evening socials that are as accessible and inclusive as we can make them

Get your early bird ticket!

Important Dates:

  • Early bird pricing ends: February 12

  • Speakers announced: mid-February (all speakers are eligible for a free ticket, and anyone who submits a session that is not accepted will be eligible for early-bird pricing even after it closes)

  • Regular ticket pricing ends: March 13

  • MidCamp 2024: March 20-22

Sponsors Get Early, Exclusive Access

Get early and privileged access to new talent and customers by sponsoring MidCamp. We have a variety of sponsorship packages available.

Starting at $600, sponsoring organizations can target their jobs to a select group of experienced Drupal talent, maximize exposure by sharing space with dozens of jobs instead of millions, and have three days of being face-to-face with applicants.

Our sponsorship packages are designed to showcase your organization as a supporter of the Drupal community and provide opportunities to:

  • grow your brand,

  • generate leads,

  • and recruit Drupal talent.

Check out the sponsorship packages here, we look forward to working with you to get your organization involved for 2024!

View Sponsorship Packages

Stay In The Loop

Please feel free to ask on the MidCamp Slack and come hang out with the community online. We will be making announcements there from time to time. We’re also on Twitter and Mastodon.

We can’t wait to see you soon! Don’t forget, cancel all those other plans and make MidCamp the only thing happening on your calendar from March 20-22, 2024.

LakeDrops Drupal Consulting, Development and Hosting: LakeDrops proud to be Drupal Certified Partner

LakeDrops proud to be Drupal Certified Partner Bild Image removed.Jürgen Haas Tue, 30.01.2024 - 15:00

It's in LakeDrops' genesis: supporting Drupal as a product, Drupal's community and the Drupal Association. This is mutually beneficial since Drupal is the fundamental component of every single LakeDrops project, so giving back is the best possible investment of the company to ensure a prosper and sustainable future.

Drupalize.Me: Part 3: Routing in Drupal (Spotlight on Symfony in Drupal)

Part 3: Routing in Drupal (Spotlight on Symfony in Drupal)

In this installment of our series on Symfony's role in Drupal, we're focusing on the Routing component. Even if it may seem simple looking from the outside, routing in Drupal is a complex task with lots of customized parts. The routing component's job is to match incoming requests to the correct controller, which is then responsible for building the response. Let's take a high-level glance at how Drupal has built upon Symfony's Routing component.

Blake Hall Tue, 01/30/2024 - 21:04

Droptica: Drupal 10 – Key Features, Improvements, and Upgrade Tips

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Drupal is one of the most popular content management systems that has been evolving for years. The latest release in use is Drupal 10. This version introduced several improvements empowering the user experience and content editing process. Among the features are new frontend (Olivero) and backend (Claro) themes, an enhanced CKEditor 5, and decoupled menus. Let's take a look at what else Drupal 10 has to offer. 

Event Organizers: Event Organizer Working Group 2023 Election Results

As per our charter, the EOWG opened elections in December for the one expiring seat.

Nominations were open for just over a month and we were extremely excited to have two highly-qualified nominees:

  • Mike Miles (mikemiles86) - New England Drupal Camp organizer and Boston Drupal Meetup group lead
  • Mike Richardson (richo_au) - DrupalSouth Treasurer and DrupalAsia Steering Committee chair

Nominations were closed after a month (with an extension due to the holidays) and voting took place from January 15-19. We conducted voting via Google Form, and ballots were open to anyone with a Drupal user ID. Everyone who voted was given issue credit for contributing to the decision.

With 44 votes submitted, Mike Richardson won with 66% of the votes.

Mike Richardson was informed of the result and accepted the position for a two-year term on the Board.

After internal discussion, the existing board also agreed to offer Mike Miles a non-voting position on our Advisory Committee.

We're excited to begin work with our new members - particularly in expanding the conversation outside of North America.

The Board would also like to extend our deepest thanks to Matthew Saunders for serving two terms with us. Matthew has been an invaluable source of guidance from our formation to ongoing issues surrounding organizational structures and processes. We appreciate his time so far, and his continued dedication as an advisor.

Get involved with the Event Organizers

The Event Organizers Working Group supports community-led teams to grow Drupal through local events. Stay connected with the event organizer community:

  • Join the #event-organizers channel in the Drupal Slack workspace
  • Join our monthly open meetings in #event-organizers, the
    2nd Tuesday of the month starting at 16:00 UTC / 11:00 am ET
  • Jump into our Issue Queue

The Drop Times: Drupal Usage in Top Universities Worldwide: A Progress Report and Seeking Support

A statistic on drupal.org states that 71% of the top 100 universities use Drupal, but the page lacks precise data or references to support this claim. Given that the education sector is one of Drupal's largest adopters, we at TheDropTimes have embarked on a project to validate and substantiate this claim with proper evidence. This initiative was suggested by Kevin Reynen (University of Colorado). While attending a Higher Education Conference, he noted the frequent citation of this statistic and its lack of supporting data. He proposed a broader definition of Drupal usage in universities, encompassing not just their homepages but any of their websites. Prompted by Reynen's observations, TheDropTimes began a project to collect data on the top 300 global universities, as ranked by QS, focusing on their use of Drupal.